Minnesota-Dakota Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses

MNDAKSPAN Fall Conference 2024 - Planners Needed!

Posted about 2 months ago by Website Director

Update on 5/19/24: We are pleased to announce that all committee member positions for the Fall 2024 conference have been filled. Thank you for your interest and support!


MNDAKSPAN is seeking volunteers to join the planning committee for the 2024 Fall Conference. Responsibilities include finding potential speakers and assisting with set-up, clean-up, and other tasks on the day of the conference. The event will be held in Sioux Falls on Saturday, October 5th, 2024. As a bonus, planning committee members can attend the conference for FREE!

If you are interested in helping, learning more about the benefits of being a conference planner, or if you have recommendations for potential presenters, please contact Amy at mndakspan.education@gmail.com.

MNDAKSPAN Board of Directors